Mitchell Berean’s Shepherd Leadership Team
This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader, he desires an honorable position.”
1 Timothy 3:1

Dan Howard
Shepherd Elder

Dean Keener
Shepherd Elder

Brad Ronne
Shepherd Elder

Jamie Worden
Shepherd Elder
Shepherding Elder Covenant:
I, (name), ask God for His grace and strength to help me shepherd Mitchell Berean Church with a Christ-like heart during my calling and assignment on the Shepherd Team.
I commit to the biblical role of shepherding by actively teaching, protecting, leading and caring for the flock gathered at MBC.
I recognize that I will give an account to the living God for my time at this church, so I ask for His help to grow in my love for Him and grow in a committed love for the flock and community.
I commit to seek the Holy Spirit in setting an example in godliness, integrity, and repentance, relying on God’s grace and Spirit to live out the character qualities of 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, Hebrews 13 and 1 Peter 5.
I commit to maintaining a soft heart before God by spending time daily in His Word for personal growth and correction, intentionally living a life that reflects my commitment to Jesus, keeping my eyes on Him, the Chief Shepherd.
I commit to cooperate with the Berean Fellowship of Churches, using my influence to further the interdependent mission of the Berean Fellowship.
I commit to be accountable to a Christian brother with whom I can share my joys, struggles and concerns in confidence. To this individual I give permission to admonish and correct me in Biblical, loving care for the sharpening of my mind and soul to better my stewardship within this church family.
I commit to being sensitive to God’s leading regarding the completion of my current ministry assignment and will graciously resign when God leads. If at any time I am unable to submit to the majority of this church’s Shepherd Team, I ask for my brothers on the Shepherd Team to call it to my attention. If I fail to be reconciled I will resign immediately and will quickly and quietly step down from the position, causing no trouble which would damage this church family.