Coffee and Connect
Every so often, newcomers are invited to Coffee and Connect in the Lobby at 9:30 AM for coffee and to meet the pastors and elders of Mitchell Berean. We’ll share a brief history of our church, what we believe, and what goes on throughout the week. Each staff member will tell what they oversee and communicate their vision.
Coffee and Connect dates will be announced during services, published in the bulletin and the calendar.

Core Classes
Offered 3 times a year, Core Classes last 8 weeks and cover the basics of the Bible, spiritual gifts and serving in Mitchell Berean.
Dates, times and registration for classes available in the Realm App.
Bible Basics
Leader: Gene Broeder
This 8-week class answers common questions about the Bible:
I don’t get it, what’s the plot?
Why is it so hard to understand?
How do we know it’s true?
Why can’t I just have my own ideas about God?
This class is a great introduction if you know only very little about the Bible and a great refresher if you know a lot!
Leader: Jon Simpson
This class will help you explore your own special combination of Spiritual Gifts, Heart (passions), Abilities, Personality, and Experiences in order to help you to discover your SHAPE and find a place to serve where you can not only be a blessing to others but experience God’s blessings for you.

Life Group Launch
Upon completion of all Core Classes, it is time to join a Life Group, fellow believers who want to walk through life together.